

Unit36 Review andAssessment 试题及题目为随机, 用查找功能(Ctrl+F) 搜索题目
[题目] : Peter _________________.
请听录音: 01. mp3
finished work a long time ago
is still working
finished work a short time ago
[题目] : You _________________.
请听录音: 02. mp3
can’ t smoke in the canteen, but can smokein your office
can’ t smoke anywhere
can’ t smoke in your office, but can smokein the canteen
[题目] : The dog _________________.请听录音: 03. mp3only bit Marybit both Mary and Peteronly bit Peter
[题目] : The chef _________________ when the speaker saw him.请听录音: 04. mp3was going to make thepizzafinished making the pizzawas making the pizza
[题目] : The speaker _________________.请听录音: 05. mp3is giving informationis asking a questionis offering to dosomething
[题目] : The speaker _________________.请听录音: 06. mp3has a new jobwill probably get a new jobwants a new job
[题目] : Peter _________________.请听录音: 07. mp3doesn’ t usually drink beerdoesn’ t normally drinkcoffeeusually drinks beer
[题目] : The speaker has worked at the same place for _________________.请听录音: 08. mp324 years13 years37 years
[题目] : Sheila _________________.请听录音: 09. mp3wants to marry that mawants Mary to marry that manwants tomarry the speaker
[题目] : The speaker _________________.请听录音: 10. mp3and his wife both dislike coffeeand his wife both likecoffeedoesn’ t like coffee, but his wife does
[题目] : Trevor and Fiona last met _________________.six years agothismonthsix months ago
[题目] : They met at a friend’ s _________________.40th birthday party14th birthday partyWedding
[题目] : Peter has been married _________________.four times beforetwicebeforethree times before
[题目] : Peter is marrying a woman _________________.on holiday fromTurkeyhe met on holiday in Turkeywho was at his party
[题目] : Peter met her _________________.at work in a hotelin TurkeyinCambridge
[题目] : Mandy has met _________________.Fionaneither Fiona nor TrevorTrevor
[题目] : Trevor thinks Mandy _________________.is very patientis probably abit shyis too fat
[题目] : Mandy has her own _________________.househorseschool
[题目] : Mandy is _________________.short and darkshort and slimtall andslim
[题目] : Mandy and Peter _________________ when they will get married.haven’t decided yet and have no ideas abouthave decidedhaven’ t decided yet but havean idea about
[题目] : Fiona attended Peter’ s _________________.first and second weddingsfirst weddingsecondwedding
[题目] : Andrew was _________________.Peter’ s best mana policemanPeter’ sfather
[题目] : In the accident _________________.a policeman was hurtnobody washurtPeter was hurt
[题目] : Everyone at the church thought the policeman had _________________.helpedPeterarrested Peterbroken his motorcycle
[题目] : Jamie is probably Fiona’ s _________________.bosshusbandson
[题目] :
1. I work in a shop, and I [[4]] be very polite to the customers.
2. You [[3]] smoke in the garage – it’ s dangerous.
3. At work we are [[2]] have a tea break in the morning and afternoon.
4. It’ s my sister’ s birthday tomorrow – I [[5]] get her a card.
5. I’ m a teacher, so I [[1]] wear a uniform at work.
[[1]] -> [don’ t have to / allowed to /mustn’ t / have to / must]
[题目] : He _________ me he was leaving on Wednesday.saidtelltold
[题目] : _________! That fire is dangerous.StopStoppingTo stop
[题目] : I’ ve _________ been to Cairo, but I’ d like to go.evealwaysnever
[题目] : You are a doctor, _________ you?isdoaren’ t
[题目] : You _________ wear a uniform at my school; you can wear anythingyou like.mustn’ thave todon’ t have to
[题目] : A_: _I don’ t like coffee.B_: _ _________ do I.AndNeitherSo
[题目] : She’ s the person _________ runs the IT department.whowhatwhich
[题目] : I can’ t sit here; this chair is very _________ .discomfortablenoncomfortableuncomfortable
[题目] : If I had a lot of money, I _________ buy a boat.amwillwould
[题目] : He’ s lived there _________ 2001.sinceforago
[题目] : I’ m very tired – I’ ve _________ finished work.justyetever
[题目] : He _________ me if I knew the way to the station.saidaskedtold
[题目] : The photo _________ be of Paris – there’ s the Eiffel Tower.can’ tmustcould
[题目] : That is the book _________ I told you about.Xwhowhere
[题目] : China and Canada are _________ the same size.aboutunderover
[题目] : Mary has (1) [A; B; C] returned to the USA after studying in England (2) [A; B; C] threeyears. She decided to (3) [A; B; C] at a British university rather than an American (4) [A;B; C] because her mother is from England and she wanted to (5) [A; B; C] to know her mother’ sfamily better. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths’ College, (6) [A; B; C] is in London.She lived with her grandmother (7) [A; B; C] she was studying. The college was (8) [A; B; C]by a friend’ s brother who had studied in England for (9) [A; B; C] MBA. Mary told her friendsthat she was going to return to Europeto work because she had enjoyed her time in England(10) [A; B; C] much.
1. A. justB. everC. already
2. A. atB. sinceC. for
3. A. studiedB. studyingC. study
4. A. oneB. itC. X
5. A. gettingB. getC. got
6. A. whichB. whereC. what
7. A. duringB. whileC. as
8. A. recommend B. recommended C.recommending
9. A. hisB. herC. X
10. A. asB. notC. so
[题目] : Sales of second-hand motorcycles have increased in Europe.Wrong.Right.Doesn’t say.
[题目] : People are probably buying motorcycles to use instead of cars incities.Wrong.Right.Doesn’ t say.
[题目] : Most of the new motorcycles sold in Europe are Italian.Wrong.Doesn’t say.Right.
[题目] : The British government is passing laws to help motorcycle riders.Wrong.Right.Doesn’t say.
[题目] : In all European countries you have to wear a helmet when you ride amotorcycle.Doesn’ t say.Right.Wrong.
[题目] : If Mike lived on a desert island, he wouldn’ t be () .boredlonelyboredor lonely
[题目] : Mike thinks he would ( ) .have too much free timehave enough timeto write a novelnot have enough time to work
[题目] : Mike ( ) .wants to learn how to be agardenerworks as a gardenerlikes gardening
[题目] : Mike ( ) .would remember how to fishhasn’ tfished beforwants to learn how to fish
[题目] : Mike would ( ) .miss his family and friends but not histelevision or carmiss his television and car but not his friends or familymisshis family, friends, television and car







