绪论 单元测试
GDP excludes most items that are produced and sold illegally and most items that are produced and consumed at home because
A:measuring them is so difficult.
B: the quality of these items is not high enough to contribute value to GDP.
C: the government wants to discourage the production and consumption of these items.
D: these items are not reported on income tax forms.
答案: 【measuring them is so difficult.】
第一章 单元测试
For an economy as a whole,
A:the market value of production must equal expenditure.
B:wages must equal income.
C:investment must equal the value of stocks and bonds purchased.
D:consumption must equal saving.
答案: 【the market value of production must equal expenditure.】
If an economy’s GDP falls, then it must be the case that the economy’s
A:income rises and market value of all production falls.
B:income and saving fall.
C: income falls and market value of all production rises.
D:income and market value of all production both fall.
答案: 【income and market value of all production both fall.】
According to the circular-flow diagram GDP
A:can be computed as payments firms make to factors of production but not as revenues they receive from the sales of goods andservices.
B:can be computed as the revenue firms receive from the sales of goods and services but not as the payments they make to factorsof production.
C: cannot be computed as either the revenue firms receive or the payments they make to factors of production.
D: can be computed as either the revenue firms receive from the sales of goods and services or the payments they make to factorsof production.
答案: 【 can be computed as either the revenue firms receive from the sales of goods and services or the payments they make to factorsof production.】
If the price of a dress is three times the price of a pair of shoes, then a pair of shoes contributes
A:less than one-third as much to GDP as does a dress.
B: more than one-third as much to GDP as does a dress.
C:exactly one-fourth as much to GDP as does a dress.
D:exactly one-third as much to GDP as does a dress.
答案: 【exactly one-third as much to GDP as does a dress.】
GDP excludes most items that are produced and sold illegally and most items that are produced and consumed at home because
A:measuring them is so difficult.
B: the government wants to discourage the production and consumption of these items.
C: the quality of these items is not high enough to contribute value to GDP.
D: these items are not reported on income tax forms.
答案: 【measuring them is so difficult.】
A steel company sells some steel to a bicycle company for $150. The bicycle company uses the steel to produce a bicycle,which it sells for $250. Taken together, these two transactions contribute
A:$400 to GDP.
B: $250 to GDP.
C: $150 to GDP.
D:between $250 and $400 to GDP, depending on the profit earned by the bicycle company when it sold the bicycle.
答案: 【 $250 to GDP.】
A dairy buys $50,000 worth of milk and spend $5,000 on cartons and utilities. It sells the cartons of milk to a grocery store for$60,000 that then sells all of the cartons to consumers for $65,000. How much do these actions add to GDP?
D:None of the above are correct.
答案: 【$65,000】
Sheri, a U.S. citizen, works only in Germany. The value she adds to production in Germany is included
A:in both German GDP and U.S. GDP.
B:in U.S. GDP, but is not included in German GDP.
C:in German GDP, but is not included in U.S. GDP.
D:in neither German GDP nor U.S. GDP.
答案: 【in German GDP, but is not included in U.S. GDP.】
Consumption consists of spending by households on goods and services, with the exception of
A:purchases of new houses.
B:purchases of intangible services.
C:purchases of durable goods.
D:spending on education.
答案: 【purchases of new houses.】
Which of the following items is included in GDP?
A: All of the above are included in GDP.
B:the sale of used goods
C: the sale of stocks and bonds
D: the sale of services such as those performed by a doctor
答案: 【 the sale of services such as those performed by a doctor】
第二章 单元测试
Most, but not all, athletic apparel sold in the United States is imported from other nations. If the price of athletic apparelincreases, the GDP deflator will
A:increase, but the consumer price index will not increase.
B:not increase, but the consumer price index will increase.
C: increase less than will the consumer price index.
D: increase more than will the consumer price index.
答案: 【 increase less than will the consumer price index.】
Babe Ruth, the famous baseball player, earned $80,000 in 1931. Today, the best baseball players can earn more than 400times as much as Babe Ruth earned in 1931. However, prices have also risen since 1931. We can conclude that
A:because prices have also risen, the standard of living of baseball stars hasn’t changed since 1931.
B:one cannot determine whether baseball stars today enjoy a higher standard of living than Babe Ruth did in 1931 withoutadditional information regarding increases in prices since 1931.
C: the best baseball players today are about 400 times better off than Babe Ruth was in 1931.
D: one cannot make judgments about changes in the standard of living based on changes in prices and changes in incomes.
答案: 【one cannot determine whether baseball stars today enjoy a higher standard of living than Babe Ruth did in 1931 withoutadditional information regarding increases in prices since 1931.】
The economy’s inflation rate is the
A:change in the gross domestic product from the previous period.
B:change in the price level from the previous period.
C:price level in the current period.
D:percentage change in the price level from the previous period.
答案: 【percentage change in the price level from the previous period.】
When the quality of a good deteriorates while its price remains the same, the purchasing power of the dollar
A:decreases, so the CPI understates the change in the cost of living if the quality change is not accounted for.
B:increases, so the CPI overstates the change in the cost of living if the quality change is not accounted for.
C:decreases, so the CPI overstates the change in the cost of living if the quality change is not accounted for.
D:increases, so the CPI understates the change in the cost of living if the quality change is not accounted for.
答案: 【decreases, so the CPI understates the change in the cost of living if the quality change is not accounted for.】
In 1983, one could buy a model radio-controlled airplane for $11.50 each. Those same planes are available today and theprice increased at exactly the rate of inflation. If the CPI today is 220.5 and in 1983 was 105, what is the price of theairplane today?
A: $11.50
D: $24.15
答案: 【 $24.15】
Which of the following is not correct?
A:The purchasing power of an interest-earning deposit can increase or decrease over time, but it cannot<span style=’font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px
B:If there is deflation, then the purchasing power of an interest-earning deposit rises by more than<span style=’font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; l
C:The higher the rate of inflation, the smaller the increase in the purchasing power of an<span style=’font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spac
D:If the inflation rate exceeds the nominal interest rate, then the purchasing power of an interest-earning deposi<span style=’font-family: “Times Ne
答案: 【The purchasing power of an interest-earning deposit can increase or decrease over time, but it cannot<span style=’font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px】
The real interest rate tells you
A:how fast the number of dollars in your bank account rises over time.
B:the number of dollars in your bank account today.
C:how fast the purchasing power of your bank account rises over time.
D:the purchasing power of your bank account today.
答案: 【how fast the purchasing power of your bank account rises over time.】
If the nominal interest rate is 5 percent and the rate of inflation is -2.5 percent, then the real interest rate is
A: -2.5 percent.
B:7.5 percent.
C:2.5 percent.
D:-7.5 percent.
答案: 【7.5 percent.】
Suppose the price of a quart of milk rises from $1.00 to $1.20 and the price of a T-shirt rises from $8.00 to $9.60. If theCPI rises from 150 to 195, then people likely will buy
A:less milk and fewer T-shirts.
B:less milk and more T-shirts.
C:more milk and fewer T-shirts.
D:more milk and more T-shirts.
答案: 【more milk and more T-shirts.】
The primary purpose of measuring the overall level of prices in the economy is to
A:allow consumers to know what kinds of prices to expect in the future.
B:allow for the comparison of dollar figures from the same point in time.
C:allow for the comparison of dollar figures from different points in time.
D:allow for the measurement of GDP.
答案: 【allow for the comparison of dollar figures from different points in time.】
第三章 单元测试
Last year a country had 800 workers who worked an average of 8 hours and produced 12,800 units. This year the samecountry had 1000 workers who worked an average of 8 hours and produced 14,000 units. This country’s productivity was
A: lower this year than last year. A change in the size of the capital stock does not affect productivity.
B:higher this year than last year. A possible source of this change in productivity is a change in the size of thecapital stock.
C:lower this year than last year. A possible source of this change in productivity is a change in the size of thecapital stock.
D: higher this year than last year. A change in the size of the capital stock does not affect productivity.
答案: 【】
Which of the following is an example of a produced factor of production?
A: skills that people accumulate through experience
B:a plant in which automobiles are assembled
C:skills that people accumulate in junior middle school
答案: 【
Which of the following is considered human capital? Knowledge acquired from
B:job training
C:education programs
答案: 【
Ralph is a plumber. Which of the following are included in his human capital?
A: the knowledge he learned on the job, but not the tools he uses
B:the knowledge he learned on the job, and the tools he uses
C: the tools he uses, but not the knowledge he learned on the job
D:neither the knowledge he learned on the job nor the tools he uses
答案: 【】
In a market economy, we know that a resource has become scarcer when
A:it is non-renewable and some of it is used.
B:its price rises relative to other prices.
C:people search for substitutes.
D:All of the above are correct.
答案: 【】
Suppose over the last year that the price of iron ore increased from $1,200 a ton to $1,275 a ton. Over the same time ameasure of the overall price level increased from 150 to 156. The price of iron ore increased by
A:more than inflation, so it became less scarce.
B:more than inflation, so it became more scarce.
C:less than inflation, so it became less scarce.
D:less than inflation, so it became more scarce.
答案: 【】
An understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services is called
A:physical capital.
C:human capital.
D: productivity.
答案: 【】
Your company discovers a better way to produce mousetraps, but your better methods are not apparent from themousetraps themselves. Your knowledge of how to more efficiently produce mousetraps is
A:common, but not technological, knowledge.
B:common technological knowledge.
C:proprietary technological knowledge.
D:proprietary, but not technological, knowledge.
答案: 【】
Which of the following is a determinant of productivity?
A:natural resources per worker
B:human capital
C:physical capital
答案: 【】
If the number of workers in an economy doubled, all other inputs stayed the same, and there were constant returns toscale, productivity would
A:fall, but it would still be greater than one-half of its former value.
B:fall to less than one-half of its former value.
C:stay the same.
D:rise but less than double.
答案: 【】
第四章 单元测试
Which of the following is not correct?
A:Structural unemployment results when the number of jobs is insufficient for the number of workers.
B:Frictional unemployment results from the process of matching workers and jobs.
C:When a minimum-wage law forces the wage to remain above the level that balances supply and demand, it raises the quantityof labor supplied and reduces the quantity of labor demanded compared to the equilibrium level.
D:Minimum wages are the predominant reason for unemployment in the U.S. economy.
答案: 【】
When a minimum-wage law forces the wage to remain above the equilibrium level, it
A:reduces the quantity of labor supplied and raises the quantity of labor demanded compared to the<span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spa
B:reduces both the quantity of labor supplied and the quantity of labor demanded compared to the<span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spaci
C:raises the quantity of labor supplied and reduces the quantity of labor demanded compared to the<span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spa
D:raises both the quantity of labor supplied and the quantity of labor demanded compared to the<span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spacin
答案: 【】
Figure 4-2
Refer to Figure 28-3. At the equilibrium wage, how many workers are employed?
答案: 【
Refer to Figure 28-3. If the government imposes a minimum wage of $4, then unemployment will increase by
A:4,000 workers.
B:2,000 workers.
C:5,000 workers.
D:0 workers.
答案: 【】
The theory of efficiency wages explains why
A:setting wages at the equilibrium level may increase unemployment.
B:it may be in the best interest of firms to offer wages that are above the </spa
C:the most efficient way to pay workers is to pay them according to their skills.
D:it is efficient for firms to set wages at the equilibrium level.
答案: 【】
Caroline is the owner of a hair-styling salon and spa. She decides to raise the wages of her workers even though she facesan excess supply of labor. Her decision
A:will increase the excess supply of labor.
B:might increase profits if it attracts a better pool of workers to apply for jobs at her salon.
C:may increase the quality of her work force.
D:All of the above are correct.
答案: 【】
If there were no factors keeping wages from reaching equilibrium then there would be no
A:natural rate of unemployment.
B:structural unemployment.
C:frictional unemployment.
D:cyclical unemployment.
答案: 【】
More generous unemployment insurance would
A:raise frictional unemployment.
B:raise structural unemployment.
C:lower frictional unemployment.
D:lower structural unemployment.
答案: 【】
Suppose that consumers decide to walk to work more frequently and drive cars less. Companies that make walking shoeshire workers, while automobile companies lay off workers. This is an example of
A:frictional unemployment created by sectoral shifts.
B:structural unemployment created by sectoral shifts.
C:frictional unemployment created by efficiency wages.
D:structural unemployment created by efficiency wages.
答案: 【】
Table 4-1
2010 Labor Data for Adults (ages 16 and older) in Meditor
Males not in labor force | 45 million |
Females not in labor force | 35 million |
Males unemployed | 5 million |
Females unemployed | 5 million |
Males employed | 85 million |
Females employed | 65 million |
Refer to Table 4-1. What is the adult male unemployment rate in Meditor?
答案: 【
第五章 单元测试
On a bank’s Taccount, which are part of the bank’s assets?
A:neither deposits made by its customers nor reserves
B:both deposits made by its customers and reserves
C:reserves but not deposits made by its customers
D:deposits made by its customers but not reserves
答案: 【】
A bank loans Kellie’s Print Shop $350,000 to remodel a building near campus to use as a new store. On their respectivebalance sheets, this loan is
A:an asset for the bank and a liability for Kellie’s Print Shop. The loan increases the <span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spac
B:a liability for the bank and an asset for Kellie’s Print Shop. The loan does not <span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing:
C:an asset for the bank and a liability for Kellie’s Print Shop. The loan does not <span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing:
D:a liability for the bank and an asset for Kellie’s Print Shop. The loan increases the <span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spac
答案: 【】
A bank has an 8 percent reserve requirement, $10,000 in deposits, and has loaned out all it can given the reserverequirement.
A:It has $80 in reserves and $9,920 in loans.
B:It has $800 in reserves and $9,200 in loans.
C:It has $1,250 in reserves and $8,750 in loans.
答案: 【】
If the reserve requirement is 12 percent and banks desire to hold no excess reserves, when a bank receives a new depositof $1,000,
A:it will be able to make new loans up to a maximum of $880.
B:it must increase its required reserves by more than $150.
C:its total reserves initially increase by $120.
答案: 【】
If a bank uses $200 of excess reserves to make a new loan when the reserve ratio is 15 percent, this action by itselfinitially makes the money supply
A:and wealth decrease by $200.
B:decrease by $200 while wealth decreases by $200.
C:and wealth increase by $200.
D:increase by $200 while wealth does not change.
答案: 】
If the central bank in some country raised the reserve requirement, then the money multiplier for that country
A:would decrease.
B:would not change.
C:would increase.
答案: 【
If the reserve ratio is 15 percent, the money multiplier is
答案: 【
Table 5-1. An economy starts with $50,000 in currency. All of this currency is deposited into a single bank, and the bank thenmakes loans totaling $45,750. The T-account of the bank is shown below.
Assets | Liabilities |
Reserves $4,250 | Deposits $50,000 |
Loans 45,750 |
Refer to Table 5-1
The bank’s reserve ratio is
A:17.5 percent.
B:100 percent.
C:91.5 percent.
D:8.5 percent.
答案: 【
When the Fed conducts open-market purchases,
A:it borrows money from member banks, which increases the money supply.
B:it buys Treasury securities, which decreases the money supply.
C:it buys Treasury securities, which increases the money supply.
D:it lends money to member banks, which decreases the money supply.
答案: 】
The Fed can increase the money supply by conducting open-market
A:purchases or by raising the discount rate.
B: purchases or by lowering the discount rate.
C:sales or by raising the discount rate.
D:sales or by lowering the discount rate.
答案: 【】
第六章 单元测试
According to the classical dichotomy, when the money supply doubles which of the following doubles?
A:only the price level
B:the price level and real GDP
C:the price level and nominal GDP
D:only real GDP
答案: 【】
Based on the quantity equation, if M = 8,000, P = 3, and Y = 12,000, then V =
答案: 【】
If when the money supply changes, real output and velocity do not change, then a 2 percent increase in the money supply
A:decreases the price level by 2 percent.
B:increases the price level by less than 2 percent.
C:decreases the price level by less than 2 percent.
D: increases the price level by 2 percent.
答案: 【】
The inflation tax refers to
A:the idea that, other things the same, an increase in the tax rate raises the inflation<span style=”font-family: “Times New Roman”, serif; font-size: 15px; letter-spacing: 0px;
B:the revenue a government creates by printing money.
C:higher inflation which requires more frequent price changes.
D:taxes being indexed for inflation.
答案: 【】
Suppose that monetary neutrality and the Fisher effect both hold and the money supply growth rate has been the same for along time. Other things the same a higher money supply growth would be associated with
A:neither a higher inflation rate nor a higher nominal interest rate.
B:a higher nominal interest rate, but not higher inflation.
C:both higher inflation and higher nominal interest rates.
D:a higher inflation rate, but not higher nominal interest rates.
答案: 【】
When Haley states that inflation by itself always reduces the real return on her saving, she
A:has expressed the idea behind menu costs.
B:has expressed the idea behind shoe leather costs.
C:has expressed the idea of the inflation tax.
D:has committed the inflation fallacy.
答案: 【】
Menu costs refers to
A:the cost of more frequent price changes induced by higher inflation.
B:resources used by people to maintain lower money holdings when inflation is high.
C:the distortion in incentives created by inflation when taxes do not adjust for inflation.
D:resources used to price shop during times of high inflation.
答案: 【
Higher inflation makes relative prices
A:more variable, making it less likely that resources will be allocated to their best use.
B:more variable, making it more likely that resources will be allocated to their best use.
C:less variable, making it more likely that resources will be allocated to their best use.
D:less variable, making it less likely that resources will be allocated to their best use.
答案: 【】
Given a nominal interest rate of 6 percent, in which of the following cases would you earn the lowest after-tax real rate ofinterest?
A:The after-tax real interest rate is the same for all of the above.
B:Inflation is 2 percent; the tax rate is 30 percent.
C:Inflation is 3 percent; the tax rate is 20 percent.
D:Inflation is 4 percent; the tax rate is 5 percent.
答案: 【】
Kaitlyn purchased one share of Northwest Energy stock for $200; one year later she sold that share for $400. The inflationrate over the year was 50 percent. The tax rate on nominal capital gains is 50 percent. What was the tax on Kaitlyn’s capitalgain?
答案: 【
第七章 单元测试
Which of the following would both shift aggregate demand right?
A:the price level decreases and the government repeals an investment tax credit.
B:the price level decreases and government expenditures increase.
C:taxes decrease and government expenditures increase.
答案: 【】
Other things the same, which of the following is correct?
A:If speculators lose confidence in the American economy, the dollar appreciates. Aggregate demand shifts right.
B:If speculators lose confidence in the American economy, the dollar depreciates. Aggregate demand shifts right.
C:A decrease in the price level causes the dollar to appreciate. Aggregate demand shifts right.
D:A decrease in the price level causes the dollar to depreciate. Aggregate demand shifts right.
答案: 【】
The long-run aggregate supply curve
A:indicates monetary neutrality in the short run.
B:is not vertical.
C:is a graphical representation of the classical dichotomy.
答案: 【】
Other things the same, if the long-run aggregate supply curve shifts right, prices
A:and output both decrease.
B:increase and output decreases.
C:decrease and output increases.
D:and output both increase.
答案: 【
The sticky-price theory implies that
A:menu costs influence the speed of adjustment of prices.
B:the long-run aggregate-supply curve is upward-sloping.
C:an unexpected fall in the price level induces firms to reduce the quantity of goods
答案: 【】
According to the misperceptions theory of aggregate supply, if a firm thought that inflation was going to be 5 percent andactual inflation was 6 percent, then the firm would believe that the relative price of what it produce had
A:decreased, so it would increase production.
B:increased, so it would increase production.
C:decreased, so it would decrease production.
D:increased, so it would decrease production.
答案: 【】
A change in the expected price level is likely to cause which of the following?
A:a shift in the aggregate demand curve
B:a shift in the short-run aggregate supply curve and long-run aggregate supply curve
C:a shift in the long-run aggregate supply curve
D:a shift in the short run aggregate supply curve
答案: 【】
If aggregate demand shifts left, then in the short run
A:the price level rises and real GDP falls.
B:the price level and real GDP both rise.
C:the price level falls and real GDP rises.
D:the price and real GDP both fall.
答案: 【】
Figure 7-1.
Refer to Figure 7-1. If the economy starts at Y, then a recession occurs at
答案: 【
Suppose the economy is in long-run equilibrium. If the government increases its expenditures, eventually the increase inaggregate demand causes price expectations to
A:fall. This fall in price expectations shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left.
B:rise. This rise in price expectations shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right.
C:rise. This rise in price expectations shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve to the left.
D:fall. This fall in price expectations shifts the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right.
答案: 【】